Short, Wonderful Games Like Astro Bot Are The Antidote To The Industry's Scope ProblemShorter games can enhance player satisfaction by allowing them to finish and feel accomplished, countering the industry's trend towards longer games.
All side quests list in Zelda: Echoes of WisdomCompleting all 50 side quests is essential for 100% completion in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.
How long to beat FFXIV and its expansionsMain Scenario Quests take 40-60 hours for base gameEach expansion adds 40-50 hours of content
What Is The Max Level In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?The max level in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is 70, an increase from the previous game's cap of 50.Reaching level 70 may require playing on Hard Mode, but it is essential for attaining the coveted platinum trophy in the game.