There's Something Very Strange About Our GalaxyThe Milky Way is unique among similar galaxies due to its fewer satellite galaxies and some having ceased star formation.
black hole feeds at 40 times the theoretical limitSupermassive black holes may have fed rapidly in feeding frenzies, challenging previous theories about their formation and growth rates.
James Webb Space Telescope's "little red dots" come into focusLittle red dots are transient features from the early universe, possibly representing early stages in the formation of galaxies and black holes.
There's Something Very Strange About Our GalaxyThe Milky Way is unique among similar galaxies due to its fewer satellite galaxies and some having ceased star formation.
black hole feeds at 40 times the theoretical limitSupermassive black holes may have fed rapidly in feeding frenzies, challenging previous theories about their formation and growth rates.
James Webb Space Telescope's "little red dots" come into focusLittle red dots are transient features from the early universe, possibly representing early stages in the formation of galaxies and black holes.