Why even physicists still don't understand quantum theory 100 years onQuantum mechanics successfully explains a variety of phenomena but remains profoundly misunderstood, highlighting the disconnect between theory and observation.
Going deep underground to reveal the mysteries of the neutrino | Aeon EssaysNeutrinos, nearly massless and chargeless particles, are pivotal in understanding fundamental questions about the universe, prompting extensive research like the DUNE project.
25 year update on the "Millennium problems" in physicsThe Millennium Problems were created to stimulate further research in fundamental physics, yet many remain unresolved a quarter-century later.
Why even physicists still don't understand quantum theory 100 years onQuantum mechanics successfully explains a variety of phenomena but remains profoundly misunderstood, highlighting the disconnect between theory and observation.
Going deep underground to reveal the mysteries of the neutrino | Aeon EssaysNeutrinos, nearly massless and chargeless particles, are pivotal in understanding fundamental questions about the universe, prompting extensive research like the DUNE project.
25 year update on the "Millennium problems" in physicsThe Millennium Problems were created to stimulate further research in fundamental physics, yet many remain unresolved a quarter-century later.