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1 month ago

East London fuel charities get help from energy suppliers

British Gas Energy Trust grants 781,000 to two east London support organizations for fuel poverty advice services. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Thousands dying every year over government failure to insulate homes, Greenpeace says

Thousands of people dying yearly due to lack of home insulation since 2013.
Urgent need for government to invest 6 billion annually to address national scandal. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Energy companies rake in 1bn a week as families struggle in cost of living crisis

Energy companies made over £1bn per week in profits in 2023, amid rising energy bills for Britons.
13% of households in England were in fuel poverty last year due to increased energy costs. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Ofgem unveils price cap fall as households to pay less in energy bills

Energy bills will fall to their lowest level in more than two years due to a reduction in the price cap.
Average dual-fuel household may save 238 annually with the 12% price drop set to last from April to June. [ more ]
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