Creating engaging user interfaces with advanced functionalities can enhance user experience and interactivity.
Developing Scalable Frontends with Feature-Sliced Design (FSD)
Feature Sliced Design is a frontend architectural pattern that provides rules and conventions for organizing code.
The three components of Feature Sliced Design are Layers, Slices, and Segments.
Using CSS Houdini to extend styling and layout capabilities - LogRocket Blog
CSS Houdini is a set of APIs that allows developers to extend CSS styling and create new features.
CSS Houdini provides direct entry into the CSS Object Model (CSSOM) and enables the creation of new CSS features.
Glimmer Goes Web!!!
Glimmer DSL for Web (Ruby in the Browser Web GUI Frontend Library) has had its 0.2.2 Beta Release.
The project aims to make Ruby in the Browser the simplest, most intuitive, and most productive experience in frontend development.
Tour of Heroes: MAUI, with ASP.NET Core 8 Backend
The 'Tour of Heroes' app is a tutorial app for Angular 2+ that demonstrates functional and technical features of building a real-world business application.
This series of articles explores the experiences of building the 'Tour of Heroes' app on different frontend development platforms, including Angular, Aurelia, React, Vue, Xamarin, and MAUI.
Vite adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives - LogRocket Blog
Vite is a fast and lightweight build tool designed for frontend development.
Vite has become the standard for building web apps and is being adopted by popular frameworks.
It offers significant performance improvements and a redesigned architecture in its latest version.