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Bon Appetit
1 week ago
Everyday cooking

Vegetarian Frito Pie

Frito pie, a beloved Southern childhood dish, now has a satisfying vegetarian version packed with umami-rich ingredients. [ more ]
7 months ago

Super Snacks for the Super Bowl

New York Times Cooking shares recipes for snacks perfect for the Super Bowl.
The recipes include baked Buffalo wings, bacon-Cheddar dip, Frito pie, and skillet chicken with peppers and tomatoes. [ more ]
7 months ago

Super Snacks for the Super Bowl

New York Times Cooking shares snack recipes perfect for the Super Bowl.
Featured recipes include baked Buffalo wings, bacon-Cheddar dip, Frito pie, and skillet chicken with peppers and tomatoes. [ more ]
7 months ago

Super Snacks for the Super Bowl

New York Times Cooking shares recipes for snacks perfect for the Super Bowl.
The recipes include baked Buffalo wings, bacon-Cheddar dip, Frito pie, and skillet chicken with peppers and tomatoes. [ more ]
7 months ago

Super Snacks for the Super Bowl

New York Times Cooking shares snack recipes perfect for the Super Bowl.
Featured recipes include baked Buffalo wings, bacon-Cheddar dip, Frito pie, and skillet chicken with peppers and tomatoes. [ more ]
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