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The American Conservative
1 week ago
Right-wing politics

Retired GOP Politicians, Including Boehner, Start Interventionist Anti-Trump Group

A group of retired Republican politicians formed 'Our Republican Legacy' to oppose Trump and promote neoconservatism, focusing on unity, the rule of law, fiscal responsibility, the market economy, and peace through strength. [ more ]
The Atlantic
2 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Free Trade Is Dead

Biden's new tariffs mark a rejection of decades of unfettered free trade policies. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Is the EU's image failing in Southeast Asia? DW 04/18/2024

Trust in the EU in Southeast Asia has decreased, particularly in upholding free trade and rules-based order compared to the previous year. [ more ]
Above the Law
2 months ago
US Elections

I'm Not A Democrat; I'm An Anti-Republican

Free trade was traditionally a Republican position but is being reevaluated due to supply chain disruptions and changing relationships.
Debt reduction was a stronger focus for Republicans before Trump, while professional interests can influence personal political beliefs. [ more ]
#free trade
Cato Institute
6 months ago
Digital life

Take the Time to Appreciate the Benefits of Free Trade

The greatest benefits of trade liberalization are nonfinancial and intangible
Free trade saves people time and money and provides economic and social benefits [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Opinion | Should Big Tech Get to Write the Rules of the Digital Economy?

The perception is that trade agreements benefit big American corporations at the expense of others.
The Biden administration has dropped advocacy for tech-friendly digital trade rules.
The move has been criticized as a boon to China. [ more ]
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