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New York Post
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

TikTok raises free speech concerns on bill passed by US House that may ban app

TikTok raises free speech concerns about U.S. bill banning app due to ownership by ByteDance and potential national security risks. [ more ]
2 months ago

Senate Hits Brakes On Possible TikTok Ban

Senate hesitates on bipartisan TikTok ban proposal
Concerns about the impact of legislation on TikTok and broader implications [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

India's Modi government rushes to regulate AI ahead of national elections

Deployment of AI manipulation in Indian political campaigns
Indian government requiring approval for launching new AI tools
Concerns around stifling innovation and free speech [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
3 months ago

As Ala. GOP targets DEI, it proposes a professor "gag order"

State lawmakers targeting DEI efforts, including Alabama's Senate Bill 129 limiting DEI programs.
Free speech concerns raised by groups regarding potential restrictions on teaching 'divisive concepts'. [ more ]
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