Update: Prescribed fire in Glenn County - March 3 statusPrescribed fires are essential for reducing wildfire risks and supporting ecological restoration in forest management.
What a forest's glow can reveal about the impact of environmental changeUsing chlorophyll fluorometers can help us understand plant responses to environmental changes.
This Is What Happens To Trees When They Take In Excess CO2Oak trees increase wood production by 10% when exposed to elevated CO₂ levels, providing insights into future forest responses.
A Radical Experiment To Transplant A Forest Might Actually WorkClimate change is making Northwoods trees vulnerable to various threats like longer, warmer summers and insect infestations.Planting trees from seeds collected farther south in cold regions can help forests adapt to a warming world.
What a forest's glow can reveal about the impact of environmental changeUsing chlorophyll fluorometers can help us understand plant responses to environmental changes.
This Is What Happens To Trees When They Take In Excess CO2Oak trees increase wood production by 10% when exposed to elevated CO₂ levels, providing insights into future forest responses.
A Radical Experiment To Transplant A Forest Might Actually WorkClimate change is making Northwoods trees vulnerable to various threats like longer, warmer summers and insect infestations.Planting trees from seeds collected farther south in cold regions can help forests adapt to a warming world.
Breaking: Echo Fire: Ignited Aug. 2, 0% containedThe Echo Fire in Yosemite is uncontained, having burned an acre since August 2, focused on a confine-and-contain strategy.