What to do if your accountant in France makes a mistakeForeigners in France often face challenges with taxes, particularly small business owners and those with complex finances.Mistakes by accountants can occur; it's important for individuals to know their rights regarding tax errors in France.
Birth rights, benefits, and the price of glasses: 6 essential articles for life in FranceBeing born in France does not guarantee residency rights for life.Property purchases by Britons in France show a notable presence despite post-Brexit challenges.
PODCAST: What are real French values and does France care about its troubled far-away territories?Discussion on strikes in Paris, French islands riots, Kylian Mbappe's fame, and 'French values' for foreigners.
PODCAST: With France's far right at the gates of power, will French voters let them in?Exploring the significance of 'triangulaires' and potential outcomes of the French election's second round.