Fintech Makes Student Loan Repayment Easier w/ Michelle TranFintech innovations are revolutionizing student loan repayment, providing streamlined solutions for borrowers and employers.
How Amex determines what makes or breaks a payment method and how it chooses the right payment tech - TearsheetThe success of payment methods relies on macroeconomic factors, consumer perceptions, and technology.
Unlocking London's entrepreneurial spirit: Best start-up ideas for 2024 - London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.comLondon offers a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs in 2024 with a focus on sustainable urban solutions, fintech innovations, and smart technologies.
Former Brex COO who now heads unicorn fintech Figure says GPT is already upending the mortgage industry | TechCrunchFigure is leveraging AI to enhance efficiency in home lending, significantly reducing verification time and manual labor.
Future of fintech - a glimpse from Nordic Fintech SummitScalac impressed with tech solutions at Nordic Fintech Summit.