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Irish Independent
1 month ago

Wicklow filmmakers urged to apply for 247,000 Arts Council fund

Wicklow filmmakers can apply for Arts Council's 'Authored Works' funding up to €247,500 for feature-length cultural films with creative freedom. [ more ]
Open Culture
4 months ago
France politics

How French Cinema Works

The CNC is a government agency in France that promotes French film and audiovisual arts.
It is funded by taxes on cinema admissions, television providers, and media, which it redistributes to the production and exhibition of films and other forms of art. [ more ]
The New Yorker
4 months ago

Proof of Concept: Richard Kind on Making a Short Film about Making a Short Film

The protagonist is considering crowdfunding options to raise $10,000 for their film.
The protagonist's family questions the need for a short film as a proof of concept for their feature film. [ more ]
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