Lawn not looking its best? Why adding clover could be the answer to healthy grassClover can naturally provide nitrogen, making fertilizers unnecessary for most lawns.
AlphaFold reveals how sperm and egg hook up in intimate detailThree proteins, revealed by AI, are crucial for fertilization in vertebrates, shifting the understanding from a simple key-and-lock model to a more complex interaction.
Sperm Can't Unlock an Egg Without This Ancient Molecular KeyA new study reveals that three key proteins enable fertilization in sexually reproducing animals through an interlocked binding mechanism.
AlphaFold reveals how sperm and egg hook up in intimate detailThree proteins, revealed by AI, are crucial for fertilization in vertebrates, shifting the understanding from a simple key-and-lock model to a more complex interaction.
Sperm Can't Unlock an Egg Without This Ancient Molecular KeyA new study reveals that three key proteins enable fertilization in sexually reproducing animals through an interlocked binding mechanism.
Garden tip: Caring for cymbidiumsCymbidiums require different feeding strategies in different seasons for optimal growth and blooming.