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The Times of India
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

A new era in intel game: How China is using AI to outsmart American spies - Times of India

China's Ministry of State Security (MSS) is using artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor American spies and others in Beijing's diplomatic quarter.
The MSS's use of AI and facial recognition technology allows them to instantly compile comprehensive profiles on persons of interest, monitoring their movements and contacts. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

New Home Office Plans for 'Frictionless Travel' in UK: Facial Recognition at Airports

The UK Home Office plans to introduce "frictionless travel" at British borders, eliminating the need for passports.
Advanced e-gates with facial recognition technology will be installed at airports.
Alongside the e-gates, an electronic travel authorization (ETA) system will be implemented for foreign arrivals without visas. [ more ]
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