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1 month ago
OMG science

Neanderthal-human baby-making was recent - and brief

High-resolution analysis identified when Neanderthals and Homo sapiens interbred around 60,000 years ago for a brief period in evolutionary terms. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

On the Trail of the Denisovans

Denisovans thrived worldwide with limited fossil evidence.
Scientists fascinated by Denisovans due to their DNA resilience. [ more ]
Harvard Gazette
4 months ago
OMG science

Study links fermented foods with brain growth - Harvard Gazette

Fermentation, not fire, may have been the key driver behind the evolutionary increase in human cranial capacity.
Brain tissue is energetically expensive, and changes in diet, possibly due to fermentation, could have fueled the expansion of our ancestors' brains. [ more ]
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