Advocates Demand Tenant Protections as LA Landlords Use Fires to Price GougeLandlords in California are illegally raising rent by more than 10% during wildfires, prompting calls for a rent freeze and eviction moratorium.
Judge dismisses pandemic eviction ban cases against Alameda County, OaklandEviction bans in Alameda County and Oakland deemed constitutional by federal judge, allowing landlords an option to refile for compensation on losses.
Alameda County Landlords, Be Prepared for May 2023The Alameda County Eviction Moratorium is set to expire, allowing landlords to pursue evictions after years of financial hardship.
Judge dismisses pandemic eviction ban cases against Alameda County, OaklandEviction bans in Alameda County and Oakland deemed constitutional by federal judge, allowing landlords an option to refile for compensation on losses.
Alameda County Landlords, Be Prepared for May 2023The Alameda County Eviction Moratorium is set to expire, allowing landlords to pursue evictions after years of financial hardship.
Judge throws out landlord lawsuit against Oakland and Alameda County eviction bansFederal judge upholds COVID-19 eviction bans as legal, prioritizing housing stability during the pandemic over landlords' claims of property rights infringement.