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TNW | Ecosystems
2 weeks ago
European startups

Second House of Quantum opens in Delft

House of Quantum in Delft, the Netherlands, aims to create a national campus for the Dutch quantum ecosystem, providing co-working space and labs for startups. [ more ]
1 month ago
Startup companies

Solo GP fund Andrena Ventures hopes to carry startup talent onto its next challenges | TechCrunch

Supporting second-generation startups from successful fintech alumni with a sector-agnostic approach. [ more ]
TNW | Data-Security
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Dutch cybersecurity startup bags 36M amid spike in online attacks

Eye Security focuses on providing cyber protection, incident response, and cyber insurance services to small-to-medium sized companies.
The recent funding round led by JPMorgan brings Eye Security's total amount raised to € 57.5mn to help consolidate its presence in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, and expand into other European nations. [ more ]
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