Labour MPs urge investors to support defence firmsLabour MPs urge banks to relax investment rules on defence to support UK security and economic growth.
Alameda County divests from Caterpillar over equipment sales to IsraelAlameda County divested $32 million from Caterpillar in response to activism surrounding the company's operations related to Israel's military actions.
Letters: Trump's oligarchyTrump's appointees represent a significant concentration of wealth, contributing to the rise of an oligarchy in the U.S.
Alameda County divests from Caterpillar over equipment sales to IsraelAlameda County divested $32 million from Caterpillar in response to activism surrounding the company's operations related to Israel's military actions.
Letters: Trump's oligarchyTrump's appointees represent a significant concentration of wealth, contributing to the rise of an oligarchy in the U.S.
Norway's wealth fund divests from Israeli and Russian firms DW 12/04/2024Norway's sovereign wealth fund is selling stakes in companies linked to violations of international law, signaling a strong ethical investment stance.