#environmental activists

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2 weeks ago

Pylon damaged in Tesla Giga Berlin alleged arson attack gets fully repaired

Repair of damaged power pylon near Tesla Giga Berlin completed after alleged arson attack by environmental activists.
Significant security measures implemented following the attack on the power pylon to prevent future incidents. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago
NYC politics

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul meets Pope Francis while attending climate change conference

Gov. Kathy Hochul met Pope Francis during a climate change conference at the Vatican, emphasizing the need for global cooperation on environmental issues. [ more ]
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

Anti-Tesla protesters swarm Giga Berlin-Brandenburg, arrests reported

Environmental activists protested against Tesla's facility expansion in Germany, leading to clashes with police and arrests. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
4 months ago

Council approves climate funding and telework policies - Austin Monitor

Austin's environmental activists united in support of increased funding for climate plans.
City Council passed the resolution with a 10-1 vote, with one dissenting member concerned about taxpayer costs. [ more ]
6 months ago

Federal court reopens Canada climate inaction case brought by youth activists

A group of 15 young environmental activists in Canada will stand trial for climate inaction after an appeals court reopened their case against the federal government.
The court ruled that a trial must be held to determine whether the government's actions violate the rights of the young plaintiffs under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Pylon damaged in Tesla Giga Berlin alleged arson attack gets fully repaired

Repair of damaged power pylon near Tesla Giga Berlin completed after alleged arson attack by environmental activists.
Significant security measures implemented following the attack on the power pylon to prevent future incidents. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago
NYC politics

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul meets Pope Francis while attending climate change conference

Gov. Kathy Hochul met Pope Francis during a climate change conference at the Vatican, emphasizing the need for global cooperation on environmental issues. [ more ]
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

Anti-Tesla protesters swarm Giga Berlin-Brandenburg, arrests reported

Environmental activists protested against Tesla's facility expansion in Germany, leading to clashes with police and arrests. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
4 months ago

Council approves climate funding and telework policies - Austin Monitor

Austin's environmental activists united in support of increased funding for climate plans.
City Council passed the resolution with a 10-1 vote, with one dissenting member concerned about taxpayer costs. [ more ]
6 months ago

Federal court reopens Canada climate inaction case brought by youth activists

A group of 15 young environmental activists in Canada will stand trial for climate inaction after an appeals court reopened their case against the federal government.
The court ruled that a trial must be held to determine whether the government's actions violate the rights of the young plaintiffs under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. [ more ]
6 months ago
US politics

Federal agencies pushed extreme view of Cop City protesters, records show

The Department of Homeland Security monitored web posts critical of a proposed police training center in Atlanta called Cop City and shared their findings with state and local law enforcement.
Federal reports concluded that property damage in the name of stopping Cop City was consistent with anarchist violent extremist and environmental violent extremist ideologies. [ more ]
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