Kate Atkinson, the unclassifiable bestseller: From crime fiction to the magical world of YorkshireKate Atkinson rejects the label of magical realism, asserting her works are more influenced by English fairy tales and children's literature.
Jane Ogborn obituaryJane Ogborn dedicated her life to making English Literature accessible to all students, transforming educational practices and curricula for inclusivity.
The Guardian view on humanities in universities: closing English Literature courses signals a crisisInterest in studying English literature at degree level is declining significantly.
Forbidden Love: Medieval Romance as Critical Race Studies Archive - Medievalists.netMedieval romance, particularly English and French, offers crucial insights into historical prohibitions and taboos surrounding race and love.
parisreview5 months ago“Let the writer take up surgery or bricklaying if he is interested in technique.” —William Faulkner https://t.co/rtQDbAjae6The Art of Fiction No. 12A. S. Byatt is a writer known for her wide-ranging interests and extensive knowledge.Byatt's novels have had a significant influence on contemporary English writing.
parisreview6 months ago“Writing is a concentrated form of thinking.” —Don DeLillo https://t.co/uu005I6eBmThe Art of Fiction No. 135A. S. Byatt is a writer known for her wide-ranging interests and intellectual curiosity.Byatt's novels have had a significant impact on contemporary English writing, expanding the range and ambition of the genre.
parisreview6 months ago“If you can condense, what remains is more energetic. It can be more explosive.” —Rae Armantrout https://t.co/qWXH3BV2fvThe Art of Poetry No. 106A. S. Byatt is a writer known for her wide-ranging ambition and expansive mind.Possession is her most notable work and has had a significant impact on contemporary English writing.
parisreview6 months ago“I ain’t that particular. Between scotch and nothing, I’ll take scotch.” —William Faulkner https://t.co/rtQDbAjae6The Art of Fiction No. 12A. S. Byatt is a writer known for her wide-ranging interests and extensive knowledge.Byatt's novels have had a significant influence on contemporary English writing.
parisreview6 months ago“Ninety percent of good writing is rewriting.” —Charles Johnson https://t.co/SmRuB0WXMRThe Art of Fiction No. 239A.S. Byatt is known for her wide-ranging ambition and ability to unite a daunting scope of mind with a sure grasp of individual motivation and tenderness.Byatt's novels have had a significant impact on contemporary English writing, expanding the range of English fiction and inspiring younger writers.Her houses are filled with art and curiosities, reflecting her fecundity of mind and her diverse interests in literature, biology, fine arts, and theoretical preoccupations.
parisreview9 months ago“A writer needs three things, experience, observation, and imagination.” —William Faulkner https://t.co/rtQDbAjae6The Art of Fiction No. 12A. S. Byatt is a writer known for her wide-ranging interests and extensive knowledge.Byatt's novels have had a significant influence on contemporary English writing.
parisreview10 months ago“The novel’s not dead, it’s not even seriously injured.” —Don DeLillo https://t.co/uu005I6eBmThe Art of Fiction No. 135A. S. Byatt is a writer known for her wide-ranging interests and intellectual curiosity.Byatt's novels have had a significant impact on contemporary English writing, expanding the range and ambition of the genre.
Camille Bordas Reads "Chicago on the Seine"Camille Bordas has published multiple novels, with her first English novel released in 2017 and a new novel published recently.
He queered the hell out of it': the man behind Shakespeare's same-sex love sonnetsIn 1594, Christopher Marlowe's impact on English literature was significant, with notable homoerotic themes depicted in plays like Edward II and Dido, Queen of Carthage.
parisreview8 months ago“I don’t think symbolically at all.” —Lydia Davis https://t.co/h2Ow5kqlEeThe Art of Fiction No. 227A. S. Byatt is known for her wide-ranging ambition in literature and her ability to unite diverse topics.English writing has been influenced by Byatt's example and has moved towards larger questions of history, art, and ideas.