Safer stone? New countertop options emerge amid concerns over silicosis and worker deathsEngineered stone manufacturers are developing products with reduced crystalline silica to address health concerns related to silicosis among stonecutters.
Doctors said cutting countertops destroyed his lungs. He had to fight for workers' compWork-related silicosis cases continue to rise, particularly among countertop cutters due to exposure to engineered stone with high silica content.
Safer stone? New countertop options emerge amid concerns over silicosis and worker deathsEngineered stone manufacturers are developing products with reduced crystalline silica to address health concerns related to silicosis among stonecutters.
Doctors said cutting countertops destroyed his lungs. He had to fight for workers' compWork-related silicosis cases continue to rise, particularly among countertop cutters due to exposure to engineered stone with high silica content.