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3 weeks ago

Two Lawsuits, in Texas and Idaho, Highlight Fight Over Emergency Medicine Law

Pressure on Supreme Court to settle federal law pre-empting state abortion bans. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Two Lawsuits, in Texas and Idaho, Highlight Fight Over Emergency Medicine Law

The dismantling of the constitutional right to abortion by the Supreme Court in 2022 led to a new series of court battles over access to abortion at the state level. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Russia declares emergency in Orenburg region amid floods after dam burst

Major flood in Orsk forces thousands to evacuate
Russia evacuates over 4,500 people due to floods near Kazakhstan
Kremlin orders preparations for expected floods in Siberia [ more ]
2 months ago
UX design

UX for safety: the real impact of design

Good user interface is crucial in emergency situations to prevent catastrophic mistakes like the 2018 Hawaii false missile alert.
Design should prioritize user safety over aesthetics, considering how designs can be misused. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
4 months ago

Is it ever legal to drive on the shoulder of the road? Here's what California law says

The shoulders of highways in California are meant for emergency situations and for first responders and support staff to address traffic collisions and medical emergencies.
Using the shoulders of a highway to pass is only legal in emergency situations such as if a crash is blocking the fast lane or if there is an object blocking the highway. [ more ]
4 months ago

NYC mayor defends booting students from school for migrants: 'We did the right thing' | KOMO

New York City Mayor Eric Adams defends the decision to temporarily close a high school to house migrants.
Adams emphasizes the importance of prioritizing the safety of children in emergency situations. [ more ]
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