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4 months ago
Marketing tech

$221 billion adds up to a record online holiday season | MarTech

Online sales during the holiday season reached a record-breaking $220.1 billion, up 5% from the previous year.
Mobile shopping accounted for over 50% of sales, surpassing desktop for the first time. [ more ]
5 months ago

Emailexpert Appoints Adeola Sole VP

Adeola Sole has been appointed as the new Vice President of Customer Success at emailexpert.
Her extensive experience in the email and CRM space makes her a valuable asset to the team. [ more ]
5 months ago
Web design

Squarespace: Your Gateway to Website Creation Bliss

This post contains affiliate links.We may earn a commission if you click on them and make a purchase.It's at no extra cost to you and helps us run this site.Thanks for your support!
5 months ago
Marketing tech

Email marketing 101: The five basics | MarTech

Inboxes are overflowing and attention spans are shrinking.Crafting emails that resonate with your audience and drive conversions is more challenging than ever.
5 months ago

Council Post: Reviving B2B Email Marketing: Strategies For The Digital Age

Email marketing isn't dead at all, but now more than ever, many marketers struggle to figure out how it fits into an effective marketing strategy.
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