Censorship and Australia's Venice Biennale pavilion, a controversial AI auction, and Elizabeth Catlett in Washington-podcastThe Australian pavilion for the Venice Biennale faces uncertainty after a controversial artist selection was rescinded just days after its announcement.
Elizabeth Catlett bust of Martin Luther King Jr goes on view for first time in 40 yearsThe Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco celebrate the acquisition of Elizabeth Catlett's bronze bust of Martin Luther King Jr, enhancing public art narratives.
Elizabeth Catlett-the artist who was seen as a threat to the US-gets her due with touring showElizabeth Catlett, an influential artist and activist, faced government opposition yet remained committed to Black revolutionary artistry throughout her career.
September's must-see exhibitions: Monet, Van Gogh and a once forgotten Dutch MasterSeptember 2023 features significant global art exhibitions, celebrating influential movements and artists from surrealism to Dutch masters and revolutionary figures.