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3 months ago

This Potty Training Practice In Other Parts Of The World May Surprise You

In some parts of the world, it is common for babies to go without diapers and be potty trained at a young age.
Elimination communication is the practice of parents learning to read their infants' signals for when they need to relieve themselves. [ more ]
4 months ago

Here are the 7 parenting trends you'll see more of in 2024

Parents are predicted to celebrate small victories, or 'inchstones,' in their children's development in 2024.
Potty training may undergo changes in the future, with a trend towards elimination communication. [ more ]
5 months ago

What is 'elimination communication'? The international potty training method is having a moment

Elimination communication is a real potty-training method that involves tuning into a baby's cues and holding them over a potty to catch their pee or poop.
Using elimination communication can have benefits such as saving money, reducing waste, improving the baby-parent connection, and promoting optimal bladder and bowel health. [ more ]
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