More San Mateo County cities back sheriff's removal as election nearsSan Mateo County cities are backing a measure to enable the removal of Sheriff Christina Corpus amid misconduct allegations.
Morgan Hill voters show overwhelming support for term limits in early resultsMorgan Hill residents support measures to implement term limits for officials and extend the mayor's term to promote fresh leadership and efficiency.
More San Mateo County cities back sheriff's removal as election nearsSan Mateo County cities are backing a measure to enable the removal of Sheriff Christina Corpus amid misconduct allegations.
Morgan Hill voters show overwhelming support for term limits in early resultsMorgan Hill residents support measures to implement term limits for officials and extend the mayor's term to promote fresh leadership and efficiency.
These 5 states could have abortion on the ballot in 2024Abortion rights will be a major issue in upcoming elections, with multiple states having measures to put abortion-related questions on ballots.