What time is it on the moon? NIST proposes an answerEstablishing a reliable timekeeping system on the moon is crucial for future explorations and missions.
Webb telescope detects what looks like a giant question mark in spaceThe 'Question Mark Pair' of galaxies demonstrates the effects of gravitational lensing and validates Einstein's theory of general relativity.
Study: Conflicting values for Hubble constant not due to measurement errorNew measurements of the Hubble Constant confirm earlier values, addressing the 'Hubble tension'.Historical context of expanding universe discovery from Einstein to Hubble.
The curious case of the supermassive black holeBlack holes are crucial to understanding the structure of the universe.
Study: Conflicting values for Hubble constant not due to measurement errorNew measurements of the Hubble Constant confirm earlier values, addressing the 'Hubble tension'.Historical context of expanding universe discovery from Einstein to Hubble.
The curious case of the supermassive black holeBlack holes are crucial to understanding the structure of the universe.
New Study Claims Warp Drives Are PossibleWarp drives are theoretically possible and could revolutionize space travel.