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Bitcoin Magazine - Bitcoin News, Articles and Expert Insights
4 months ago

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink says Bitcoin "Is An Asset Class That Protects You"

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink views Bitcoin as an asset that protects against economic uncertainties.
Fink's endorsement of Bitcoin as a protective asset helps shift the narrative surrounding the digital currency. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
4 months ago
Business intelligence

Market sentiment and monetary policy expectations weigh on gold

Gold's short-term downtrend persists
Economic uncertainties and geopolitical developments could bolster demand for gold [ more ]
City Limits
6 months ago
NYC politics

Opinion: City Services are Tattered, and Mayor Adams is Prepared to Make it Worse

Mayor Eric Adams is planning to implement budget cuts that could further diminish city services.
The mayor is being cautious about the city's fiscal outlook due to uncertainty in tax revenues and the expiration of federal aid.
The proposed budget cuts are likely to impact the lowest-income New Yorkers who rely on these services the most. [ more ]
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