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3 hours ago
OMG science

Prehistoric Earth Was Very Hot. That Offers Clues About Future Earth.

Earth's climate history shows significant temperature fluctuations primarily driven by carbon dioxide levels; future warming may be underestimated due to human contributions. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Did life on Earth begin earlier than we think? DW 08/01/2024

Humanity has long questioned the origin of life on Earth, with recent studies suggesting complex life could have begun much earlier than previously thought. [ more ]
TNW | Sustainability
1 month ago
OMG science

'Battery rock' discovery challenges understanding of life on Earth

Polymetallic nodules on the ocean floor act as natural rock batteries producing oxygen, challenging traditional theories on Earth's oxygen production and discouraging deep-sea mining. [ more ]
6 months ago
OMG science

Climate Scientist Michael Mann: Our Fragile Moment

Mann's warning against messages of doom and inaction
Putting the current climate crisis in the context of Earth's history [ more ]
Ars Technica
7 months ago
OMG science

Mars experienced a precursor to plate tectonics

Early in Earth's history, the surface was an ocean of magma, which cooled and formed the crust.
Researchers are studying the surface of Mars to understand the processes that occurred in the early stages of its formation. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

A Big Whack That Made the Moon May Have Also Created Continents That Move

The collision with Theia, another planetary object, may have given rise to plate tectonics on Earth. [ more ]
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