Three Billion Years Ago, a Giant Impact Boiled Away Some of Earth's Ocean. Then Life Bounced BackThe ancient S2 asteroid impact, though catastrophic, led to a boost in Earth's early biosphere by enriching oceans with essential nutrients.
Evidence of "snowball Earth" found in ancient rocksEvidence found shows Earth transitioned from a tropical environment to a snowball state 717 million years ago.
Did Earth Really Once Have a Ring Around it? Inside the Wild New TheoryEarth may have had a ring of asteroid debris 466 million years ago, evidenced by meteor craters lining the ancient equator.
Three Billion Years Ago, a Giant Impact Boiled Away Some of Earth's Ocean. Then Life Bounced BackThe ancient S2 asteroid impact, though catastrophic, led to a boost in Earth's early biosphere by enriching oceans with essential nutrients.
Evidence of "snowball Earth" found in ancient rocksEvidence found shows Earth transitioned from a tropical environment to a snowball state 717 million years ago.
Did Earth Really Once Have a Ring Around it? Inside the Wild New TheoryEarth may have had a ring of asteroid debris 466 million years ago, evidenced by meteor craters lining the ancient equator.
The Dinosaurs Had Even Worse Luck Than Scientists ImaginedThe Chicxulub impact led to massive extinctions on Earth, triggering the rise of mammalian ancestors, fundamentally reshaping life on our planet.