DWP forces over 680,000 people to pay for its own mistakesDWP's overpayment errors cause financial distress for claimants and need urgent reform.
DWP confirms major Universal Credit change coming in AprilThe Independent emphasizes the importance of on-ground journalism amid critical issues.
How DWP powers mean your landlord can take money from benefits paymentsDWP will reassess automated deductions from universal credit payments following a legal ruling deeming them unlawful without tenant consent.
DWP delivers fresh compensation details for thousands of benefit claimantsThe DWP is compensating 57,000 individuals impacted by benefit transitions, following court rulings regarding lost disability premiums.
DWP to scrap system that let landlords deduct 480 million from tenants' benefitsThe DWP plans to eliminate a controversial system that automatically deducts benefits for landlord payments without tenant consultation.
Are your benefits moving to universal credit? DWP 'migration' changes explainedLegacy benefits claimants will switch to universal credit by 2025 through managed migration.
DWP forces over 680,000 people to pay for its own mistakesDWP's overpayment errors cause financial distress for claimants and need urgent reform.
DWP confirms major Universal Credit change coming in AprilThe Independent emphasizes the importance of on-ground journalism amid critical issues.
How DWP powers mean your landlord can take money from benefits paymentsDWP will reassess automated deductions from universal credit payments following a legal ruling deeming them unlawful without tenant consent.
DWP delivers fresh compensation details for thousands of benefit claimantsThe DWP is compensating 57,000 individuals impacted by benefit transitions, following court rulings regarding lost disability premiums.
DWP to scrap system that let landlords deduct 480 million from tenants' benefitsThe DWP plans to eliminate a controversial system that automatically deducts benefits for landlord payments without tenant consultation.
Are your benefits moving to universal credit? DWP 'migration' changes explainedLegacy benefits claimants will switch to universal credit by 2025 through managed migration.
Thousands of pensioners missing out on DWP income boost due to difficult' systemComplex benefits application processes prevent many pensioners from accessing vital DWP support.
DWP warned over new powers to spy on everybody's bank accounts'The DWP's Fraud, Error and Debt Bill could allow access to all bank accounts to combat benefit fraud.
Unpaid carer to challenge DWP allowance overpayment penalty in courtUnpaid carer Andrea Tucker challenges unfair demands to repay carer's allowance after being wrongly informed she followed benefit rules.
Disabled Britons suffering 'unacceptable treatment' at hands of DWPDWP is failing disability benefit claimants, leading to significant hardship and poor service.
Disability benefits claimants' phone calls going unanswered by DWP - 'Trust at an all-time low'Trust between government and disabled people is at an all-time low due to poor service and long wait times for disability benefits calls.
DWP confirms changes to pip including assessments eligibility and paymentsDWP confirms major changes to personal independence payments to simplify the process for over three million claimants.
DWP plans to change PIP assessments from September what you need to knowMajor changes to disability benefits assessments are set to take effect in September 2023, integrating multiple claims into a single evaluation process.
Disabled Britons suffering 'unacceptable treatment' at hands of DWPDWP is failing disability benefit claimants, leading to significant hardship and poor service.
Disability benefits claimants' phone calls going unanswered by DWP - 'Trust at an all-time low'Trust between government and disabled people is at an all-time low due to poor service and long wait times for disability benefits calls.
DWP confirms changes to pip including assessments eligibility and paymentsDWP confirms major changes to personal independence payments to simplify the process for over three million claimants.
DWP plans to change PIP assessments from September what you need to knowMajor changes to disability benefits assessments are set to take effect in September 2023, integrating multiple claims into a single evaluation process.
Serious concerns' about DWP's use of AI to read correspondence from benefit claimantsThe DWP is using AI to prioritize responses for vulnerable benefit claimants, improving efficiency.
DWP urged to boost stagnant' Christmas bonus for benefit claimants to over 100The DWP Christmas bonus for benefit claimants needs an increase to meet inflation and modern needs, as over 15,000 people petition for change.
Serious concerns' about DWP's use of AI to read correspondence from benefit claimantsThe DWP is using AI to prioritize responses for vulnerable benefit claimants, improving efficiency.
DWP urged to boost stagnant' Christmas bonus for benefit claimants to over 100The DWP Christmas bonus for benefit claimants needs an increase to meet inflation and modern needs, as over 15,000 people petition for change.
Incapacity benefit cuts consultation was misleading' and unlawful, judge rulesThe High Court ruled the DWP's incapacity benefit consultation was misleading, primarily aimed at cost savings rather than supporting disabled individuals.
How to avoid having to pay back winter fuel payments as pensioners warnedEligibility for winter fuel payments has changed to means-tested, impacting pensioners' financial planning and responsibilities.
Incapacity benefit cuts consultation was misleading' and unlawful, judge rulesThe High Court ruled the DWP's incapacity benefit consultation was misleading, primarily aimed at cost savings rather than supporting disabled individuals.
How to avoid having to pay back winter fuel payments as pensioners warnedEligibility for winter fuel payments has changed to means-tested, impacting pensioners' financial planning and responsibilities.
DWP slammed for pension failing again after WASPI scandalThe DWP faces criticism for poor communication regarding pension changes affecting women's retirement finances.
DWP spent 50,000 trying to stop release of review into disabled man's deathGovernment spent over 50,000 in legal fees to block the release of information following a disabled man's death, raising transparency concerns.
Revealed: bias found in AI system used to detect UK benefits fraudAI system for welfare fraud detection in the UK government shows bias by age, disability, marital status, and nationality.
Minister apologises for letters wrongly saying benefits being axedFlaws in the eVisa system caused wrongful termination letters for benefit recipients, sparking distress and confusion among migrants.
Revealed: bias found in AI system used to detect UK benefits fraudAI system for welfare fraud detection in the UK government shows bias by age, disability, marital status, and nationality.
Minister apologises for letters wrongly saying benefits being axedFlaws in the eVisa system caused wrongful termination letters for benefit recipients, sparking distress and confusion among migrants.
Tens of thousands of pensioners might not get Winter Fuel Payment by ChristmasMany pensioners will face delays in receiving Winter Fuel Payments due to a backlog in Pension Credit claims.
Blind woman denied benefits because she attended DWP interview with help of motherDisabled individuals face systemic barriers in benefit assessments, often leading to denial of support due to misunderstandings about their capabilities.
DWP is sending energy bill discounts to millions this winter what you need to knowU.K. households are eligible for £150 energy bill support this winter due to rising costs and benefits received.
Thousands of PIP claimants due 5,000 DWP payouts check if you're eligibleThe Supreme Court ruling leads to DWP reviewing and potentially increasing PIP payments for past claims dating back to April 2016.
DWP officials attended a fancy conference. Their tab was paid with mislabeled invoicesCynthia McClain-Hill faced ethics allegations for misusing funds related to a conference due to connections with contractor Accenture.
Lords to challenge controversial DWP benefits bank account surveillance powers | Computer WeeklyMembers of the House of Lords are pushing back against new legislation giving the DWP power to monitor bank accounts for benefit recipients without suspicion of wrongdoing.
DWP warns carers they could face greater penalties if they appeal against finesGovernment officials use threatening tactics towards unpaid carers with benefit fines, discouraging appeals by warning of potential increased penalties.