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4 weeks ago
France politics

Palestinian doctor Ghassan Abu-Sitta says he was denied entry to France

Dr. Ghassan Abu-Sitta was denied entry to France for a speech at the French Senate due to a one-year ban on entry to Europe imposed by Germany. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
France politics

A British-Palestinian doctor was denied entry to France for a Senate meeting about the war in Gaza

Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta was denied entry to France on his way to speak at a French Senate meeting about the Israel-Hamas war, with authorities providing no reason. [ more ]
1 month ago
Germany news

Prominent surgeon says he was denied entry to Germany for a pro-Palestinian conference

Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta was denied entry to Germany to participate in a pro-Palestinian conference, which was later ended by police, affecting discussions on German arms shipments to Israel and Palestinian solidarity. [ more ]
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