From Fate to Destiny: Finding Donor RelativesDonor-conceived people often feel powerless about their family history and can find connections through registries and DNA testing.
Bonding and Donor ConceptionBonding transcends genetics in donor conception experiences.Genetic loss doesn't inherently cause grief in donor conception.Genetic connection preferences vary by sexual orientation and individual desires.
The Hidden Ties That BindParents often conceal biological relationships between half-siblings to protect their comfort, risking children's sense of identity and family bonds.
Donor Conception Disclosure: Telling OthersSecrecy surrounding donor conception may harm donor children, emphasizing the need for open discussion about their origins.
The Hidden Ties That BindParents often conceal biological relationships between half-siblings to protect their comfort, risking children's sense of identity and family bonds.
Donor Conception Disclosure: Telling OthersSecrecy surrounding donor conception may harm donor children, emphasizing the need for open discussion about their origins.
The Emotional Impact of Choosing Donor ConceptionGrief over losing your genetics is personal and normal.It can take time to adjust to the idea of using donor conception to have a child.You will be your child's parent, and will love your child.
'I was terrified of rejection when I cold-called my sperm-donor father'Access to biological parent information is crucial for identity understanding among those conceived via sperm donors, highlighting a need for legal reform.
The Emotional Impact of Choosing Donor ConceptionGrief over losing your genetics is personal and normal.It can take time to adjust to the idea of using donor conception to have a child.You will be your child's parent, and will love your child.
'I was terrified of rejection when I cold-called my sperm-donor father'Access to biological parent information is crucial for identity understanding among those conceived via sperm donors, highlighting a need for legal reform.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 40. The doctors asked for my family medical history but I'm donor-conceived | Sarah DingleHealth does not guarantee protection from serious diseases like breast cancer, which may not show obvious symptoms.