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2 weeks ago

U.S. AI experts are being targeted in a suspected China-linked phishing attack

Individuals are encourage to delve deeper into news of importance. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

An A.I. Researcher Takes On Election Deepfakes

Oren Etzioni warns of A.I. accelerating disinformation online.
He founded TrueMedia.org to combat A.I.-generated deepfakes and digital disinformation.
TrueMedia.org released free tools to identify fake media files and help in verifying online content. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Another Ukraine: a disinformation platform run by an exiled Ukrainian oligarch in Russia

Viktor Medvedchuk runs a Russian-language portal promoting Kremlin narratives on Ukraine.
Ilya Gambashidze's Social Design Agency is orchestrating digital disinformation campaigns targeting international opinion. [ more ]
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