How to Not Fight an Ocean: A DBT Skill We Can All UseRadical acceptance allows us to confront difficult realities and frees us from futile struggles against them.
Struggling to Achieve Your Goals? Try ValidationValidation enhances communication and empathy in personal interactions.Caroline Fleck's new book emphasizes the transformative power of validation.DBT combines acceptance and change to enhance therapeutic outcomes.
How to Not Fight an Ocean: A DBT Skill We Can All UseRadical acceptance allows us to confront difficult realities and frees us from futile struggles against them.
Struggling to Achieve Your Goals? Try ValidationValidation enhances communication and empathy in personal interactions.Caroline Fleck's new book emphasizes the transformative power of validation.DBT combines acceptance and change to enhance therapeutic outcomes.
Drama Therapy and DBT: Role Play as a Game-ChangerCreative arts therapy enhances DBT by utilizing role play to support skill-building and awareness of maladaptive behaviors.Expanding clients' role repertoire increases resilience and helps them deal with daily challenges.Role exploration offers a safe space for discussing vulnerable feelings.
Giving the Gift of ValidationValidation acknowledges and accepts others' feelings and perspectives without judgment, enhancing emotional health and relationships.
Considering Transference-Focused Psychotherapy for BPDTransference-focused psychotherapy (TFP) offers deep emotional insights, potentially more impactful for some individuals with borderline personality disorder than skills-based therapies like dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).
4 Science-Backed Techniques for Stress and Anxiety ReliefTIPP is a valuable set of skills designed to help manage overwhelming stress and physical sensations effectively.
4 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a DBT TherapistComprehensive DBT is essential for individuals in crisis, particularly suicidal patients.Fully adherent DBT involves individual therapy, skills training, and phone coaching.
Considering Transference-Focused Psychotherapy for BPDTransference-focused psychotherapy (TFP) offers deep emotional insights, potentially more impactful for some individuals with borderline personality disorder than skills-based therapies like dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).
4 Science-Backed Techniques for Stress and Anxiety ReliefTIPP is a valuable set of skills designed to help manage overwhelming stress and physical sensations effectively.
4 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a DBT TherapistComprehensive DBT is essential for individuals in crisis, particularly suicidal patients.Fully adherent DBT involves individual therapy, skills training, and phone coaching.
How to Survive Diet Culture Over the HolidaysEffectively communicate boundaries around food and weight talk to protect well-being.Utilize the broken record technique when boundaries are violated.Prioritize well-being by setting clear limits on discussions related to diet culture.