Valve Seemingly Bans All Steam Games That Require Watching Advertisements To PlayValve bans games utilizing ad-based revenue models on Steam.
Steam updates its Season Pass policy to make it clear: no mystery boxes that don't say what the DLC is and when it's comingValve requires clear communication from developers regarding Season Pass content and release schedules.
Valve Seemingly Bans All Steam Games That Require Watching Advertisements To PlayValve bans games utilizing ad-based revenue models on Steam.
Steam updates its Season Pass policy to make it clear: no mystery boxes that don't say what the DLC is and when it's comingValve requires clear communication from developers regarding Season Pass content and release schedules.
Apple officially allows retro game emulators on the App StoreApple now allows game emulators on the App Store.The update aims to eliminate the need for users to resort to jailbreaking and outside tools to access emulators.