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The American Conservative
4 months ago
Right-wing politics

Biden's Middle East Anti-Strategy

Biden launches military campaign in retaliation for the death of Army reservists in Jordan.
Objective of the campaign is to restore deterrence against armed militants in the Middle East. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
5 months ago
Europe news

NATO 'closer to war with Russia' than the West realises which would see Putin 'extend his nuclear umbrella'

NATO is closer to war with Russia than most people realize
Russia's strategy is to coerce NATO into submission through long-range strikes against critical civilian infrastructure [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden's foreign policy of 'fear of escalation' is a recipe for global disaster

The Biden administration is hesitant to escalate conflicts and prefers to avoid confrontation.
The lack of strong deterrence from the US invites enemies to take advantage and escalate their actions. [ more ]
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