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3 months ago
UX design

Check Out These 5 Must-Try AI Plugins for Figma

AI plugins in Figma enhance design process and documentation
Various AI plugins offer unique features like generating images, personas, and fonts [ more ]
3 months ago
Web design

Advanced Figma tips & tricks 2024: little gems we love

Opening dev mode in VS Code with Figma extension
Optimizing workflow with shortcuts for toggling dev mode and auto layout settings [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Using AI for 3D renderinga practical guide for designers

Integrating AI-powered rendering into the design workflow can accelerate the process of creating images and make it more accessible to designers without deep expertise in 3D.
Traditional 3D workflows can produce high-fidelity visuals that are indistinguishable from reality, but they are slow and time-consuming. [ more ]
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