Refactoring 024 - Replace Global Variables with Dependency Injection | HackerNoonReplacing global variables with dependency injection improves testability and reduces coupling.
11 rules for writing better codeAvoid hard-coding values to enhance code flexibility and maintainability.
Refactoring 024 - Replace Global Variables with Dependency Injection | HackerNoonReplacing global variables with dependency injection improves testability and reduces coupling.
11 rules for writing better codeAvoid hard-coding values to enhance code flexibility and maintainability.
Code Smell 293 - You Should Avoid Adding isTesting or Similar Flags | HackerNoonAvoid adding flags like isTesting in code to maintain clean separation between testing and production.Use dependency injection to prevent mixing testing and production logic.
Understanding Autowiring in SpringAutowiring simplifies dependency injection in Spring, promoting cleaner code and easier maintenance.
GitHub - przemyslawjanpietrzak/nano-di: This library provides a simple, lightweight dependency injection for TypeScript. It supports singleton and transient scopes, constants, and recursive dependency resolution.The library simplifies dependency injection in TypeScript with support for various scopes, constants, and decorators.
Pluggable PBCs with Bit HarmonyPackage Business Capabilities (PBCs) are essential for aligning software with business objectives and driving sustained growth and success.
Reasons Why You Should Use Spring's @Primary AnnotationThe @Primary annotation helps select a default bean for autowiring in Spring when multiple candidates exist.
Code Smell 293 - You Should Avoid Adding isTesting or Similar Flags | HackerNoonAvoid adding flags like isTesting in code to maintain clean separation between testing and production.Use dependency injection to prevent mixing testing and production logic.
Understanding Autowiring in SpringAutowiring simplifies dependency injection in Spring, promoting cleaner code and easier maintenance.
GitHub - przemyslawjanpietrzak/nano-di: This library provides a simple, lightweight dependency injection for TypeScript. It supports singleton and transient scopes, constants, and recursive dependency resolution.The library simplifies dependency injection in TypeScript with support for various scopes, constants, and decorators.
Pluggable PBCs with Bit HarmonyPackage Business Capabilities (PBCs) are essential for aligning software with business objectives and driving sustained growth and success.
Reasons Why You Should Use Spring's @Primary AnnotationThe @Primary annotation helps select a default bean for autowiring in Spring when multiple candidates exist.
Micro Frontends: Achieving Full Team Autonomy with Build-Time IntegrationMicro frontends are implemented through a subscriber component that manages their registration and shared context.
Micro Frontends: Achieving Full Team Autonomy with Build-Time IntegrationThe subscriber component manages MFEs integration, providing a shared context and API for registration.
Micro Frontends: Achieving Full Team Autonomy with Build-Time IntegrationThe subscriber component is essential for integrating and managing Micro Frontends (MFEs) in a shared app context.
Micro Frontends: Achieving Full Team Autonomy with Build-Time IntegrationMicro frontends are implemented through a subscriber component that manages their registration and shared context.
Micro Frontends: Achieving Full Team Autonomy with Build-Time IntegrationThe subscriber component manages MFEs integration, providing a shared context and API for registration.
Micro Frontends: Achieving Full Team Autonomy with Build-Time IntegrationThe subscriber component is essential for integrating and managing Micro Frontends (MFEs) in a shared app context.
How to work with Koin Scopes in Jetpack Compose Navigation | HackerNoonCombining Jetpack Compose Navigation with Koin scopes enhances dependency management in modern Android applications.
Proper Navigation in SwiftUI With Coordinators: A Guide | HackerNoonThe Coordinator pattern simplifies navigation in SwiftUI apps by centralizing logic in coordinator objects, making views lightweight and focused solely on their UI concerns.
How to work with Koin Scopes in Jetpack Compose Navigation | HackerNoonCombining Jetpack Compose Navigation with Koin scopes enhances dependency management in modern Android applications.
Proper Navigation in SwiftUI With Coordinators: A Guide | HackerNoonThe Coordinator pattern simplifies navigation in SwiftUI apps by centralizing logic in coordinator objects, making views lightweight and focused solely on their UI concerns.
How do you write unit tests in Scala, and how do you use the mocking technique?Tight coupling of services in functions complicates unit testing, necessitating strategies like dependency injection or mocking for flexibility.
Dependency Injection with Implicits in ScalaImplicit-based Dependency Injection in Scala is a lightweight approach that simplifies dependency management.
How do you write unit tests in Scala, and how do you use the mocking technique?Tight coupling of services in functions complicates unit testing, necessitating strategies like dependency injection or mocking for flexibility.
Dependency Injection with Implicits in ScalaImplicit-based Dependency Injection in Scala is a lightweight approach that simplifies dependency management.
How to Stop Making Singletons in Swift: A Dependency Injection Guide | HackerNoonTransitioning from singletons to dependency injection in SwiftUI enhances flexibility, testing ease, and adaptability.
Java 23, SpringBoot 3.3.4: API Flow & Logging-Part 4AOP enhances logging management in Spring applications by reducing code clutter and providing a clear separation of concerns.
ASP.NET Core 9 RC 1: Keep-alive Timeouts for Websockets, Improved SignalR Tracing, and MoreMicrosoft's .NET 9 Release Candidate introduces significant features like WebSocket keep-alive timeouts and Keyed Dependency Injection services.
Creating automatically disposed services with Microsoft's Dependency InjectionDependency Injection containers dispose services they create, but not ones registered as singletons without creation through the container.
ASP.NET Core 9 RC 1: Keep-alive Timeouts for Websockets, Improved SignalR Tracing, and MoreMicrosoft's .NET 9 Release Candidate introduces significant features like WebSocket keep-alive timeouts and Keyed Dependency Injection services.
Creating automatically disposed services with Microsoft's Dependency InjectionDependency Injection containers dispose services they create, but not ones registered as singletons without creation through the container.
How to Handle Cyclic Dependency Between Beans in Spring?Cyclic dependencies in Spring cause initialization issues due to mutual bean dependencies, leading to potential errors during runtime.
What is the Spring Bean Lifecycle?The Spring Bean Lifecycle includes phases for instantiation and initialization, crucial for resource management and customization.
What is @Configuration Annotation in Spring?The @Configuration annotation defines bean definitions in Spring, enhancing modularity and maintainability of applications.
How to Handle Cyclic Dependency Between Beans in Spring?Cyclic dependencies in Spring cause initialization issues due to mutual bean dependencies, leading to potential errors during runtime.
What is the Spring Bean Lifecycle?The Spring Bean Lifecycle includes phases for instantiation and initialization, crucial for resource management and customization.
What is @Configuration Annotation in Spring?The @Configuration annotation defines bean definitions in Spring, enhancing modularity and maintainability of applications.
What is Inversion of Control?IoC provides modularity and flexibility by inverting the control flow in software design.
Sharing code using Service Classes in C#Dependency Injection complicates static method usage in modern C#.
What is Inversion of Control?IoC provides modularity and flexibility by inverting the control flow in software design.
Sharing code using Service Classes in C#Dependency Injection complicates static method usage in modern C#.
WPF MVVM RichText Demo using YDock[Panel]MVVM pattern is a useful way to organize code and simplify testing applications.
CocoaPods flaws left iOS, macOS apps open to supply-chain attackAttackers can exploit orphaned Pods to inject malicious content and infect downstream dependencies.
ZIO/ZLayer FAQ: How do I create a very simple ZLayer with ZIO 2?ZIO ZLayer provides dependency injection, modularity, resource management, testability, and type safety in ZIO 2 applications.