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New York Post
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Rick Scott rips Biden, Schumer for "lawless" border crisis

Sen. Rick Scott criticized President Biden for running a 'lawless' and 'open' border.
Scott accused Democrats, including Chuck Schumer, of acting as Biden's 'little robots' in supporting the open border policy. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
4 months ago

Alderman withdraws candidacy for party post

Far South Side Ald. Anthony Beale has withdrawn his candidacy for the Democratic Party post he's held since 2000 after facing a petition challenge.
Beale suggested that there was likely some 'hanky-panky' involved in the objection to his candidacy. [ more ]
4 months ago

Even more in '24: 10 big stories to watch in 2024! Brooklyn Paper

Redistricting in New York's congressional districts could provide the Democratic Party with an advantage in the U.S. House elections.
The fate of Park Church Co-Op in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, is still uncertain as locals hope to turn it into a Community Center. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Writing in Joe Biden: New Hampshire Dems stage 'unprecedented' primary effort

Grassroots write-in campaign launched in New Hampshire to add President Biden's name to the primary ballot
Campaign faces challenges and has a small budget of $70,000 [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago
Public health

The growing lunacy of free health insurance for migrants

Millions of people are migrating to the United States, but the Democratic Party is not addressing the impact on healthcare and quality of life.
California and other blue states are offering healthcare coverage to undocumented migrants, despite strained healthcare systems and financial deficits. [ more ]
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