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3 days ago
Left-wing politics

Dems plan "virtual roll call" to nominate Biden weeks before Chicago convention

The Democratic National Committee plans to conduct a virtual roll call for nominating Biden before the convention, addressing Ohio's ballot deadline uncertainty. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Biden's Legal Bills For Docs Case Were Covered By DNC: Report

President Biden and former President Trump both utilized campaign funds for legal expenses, prompting different reactions. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden wins the New Hampshire primary after Democrats write him on the ballot

President Biden won the New Hampshire Democratic primary, even though he wasn't on the printed ballot.
New Hampshire held its primary despite the Democratic National Committee choosing South Carolina as the first primary of the year. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Why New Hampshire Matters for Dean Phillips in Primary

The Democratic National Committee's change of plans for the New Hampshire primary is being weaponized by some candidates to attack Joe Biden.
The Phillips campaign sent text messages to former Sanders campaign supporters, claiming that the DNC's change of plans was retribution for supporting Bernie Sanders. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Dean Phillips tries to rally voters who backed Bernie Sanders' presidential campaigns

Rep. Dean Phillips is targeting supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders' earlier presidential campaigns in his primary bid against President Biden.
Phillips is tapping into the distrust of the Democratic National Committee among Sanders supporters. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

The Craziest New Hampshire Primary Isn't the Republican One

Democratic presidential candidate Dean Phillips heckled Biden supporters in New Hampshire.
New Hampshire Democrats held their primary despite losing delegate support from the DNC. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden Challenger Dean Phillips Snaps at Reporters For Not Asking The Right Questions

Rep. Dean Phillips is frustrated with reporters for not asking the questions he believes Americans care about in the 2024 race.
Phillips has changed his goals and is now criticizing Biden for skipping New Hampshire and has launched a campaign against the DNC. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Rep. Dean Phillips Refuses To Rule Out Third-Party Run

Rep. Dean Phillips refuses to rule out a third-party bid under No Labels if it is the best way to prevent Trump from winning again.
Phillips criticizes the Democratic National Committee for potentially using heavy-handed tactics to prevent fair competition in the presidential primary. [ more ]
5 months ago
Left-wing politics

Still Annoyed at Biden, New Hampshire Democrats Gear Up to Help Him

New Hampshire Democrats are now supporting President Biden in their primary despite feeling snubbed by him and the DNC.
Two groups of Democrats in the state are organizing write-in campaigns to promote Biden as a candidate in the primary. [ more ]
5 months ago
Left-wing politics

Still Annoyed at Biden, New Hampshire Democrats Gear Up to Help Him

New Hampshire Democrats are now supporting President Biden in their primary despite feeling snubbed by him and the DNC.
Two groups of Democrats in the state are organizing write-in campaigns to promote Biden as a candidate in the primary. [ more ]
5 months ago
US news

Still Annoyed at Biden, New Hampshire Democrats Gear Up to Help Him

New Hampshire Democrats are now supporting President Biden in their primary despite feeling snubbed by him and the DNC.
Two groups of Democrats in the state are organizing write-in campaigns to promote Biden as a candidate in the primary. [ more ]
Washington Post
6 months ago
US politics

Protesters say they wanted Congress's attention. Police saw a threat.

Protesters block entrance of Democratic National Committee headquarters during Israel-Gaza war demonstration.
Protesters clashed with police outside Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Capitol Police arrest one man on charges of assaulting an officer. [ more ]
6 months ago
US politics

Police Violently Attack Demonstrators at Ceasefire Protest at DNC Headquarters

U.S. Capitol Police violently dispersed protesters outside the DNC's office calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.
Protesters lit over 11,200 candles to represent the number of Palestinians killed in Gaza.
Capitol Police refused to acknowledge protest liaisons and engaged in physical altercations with protesters. [ more ]
6 months ago
US politics

New Hampshire defies national Democrats' calendar revamp with Jan. 23, 2024, presidential primaries

New Hampshire's presidential primaries have been scheduled for January 23, 2024, maintaining the state's tradition of going first.
New Hampshire's primary will be an important opportunity for Republican candidates to compete against former President Donald Trump.
Iowa and New Hampshire's positions in the nomination calendar are being challenged by new party rules seeking to involve minority voters earlier. [ more ]
New York Post
6 months ago
Left-wing politics

Dems' gaslighting about Joe Biden job growth won't convince voters

Democrats are being accused of lying about President Biden's job growth record.
Biden's job growth is being credited to recovering jobs lost during the COVID shutdown, not new job creation.
Prices have risen significantly under Biden, impacting voters' perception of his handling of the economy. [ more ]
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