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Ars Technica
6 months ago

Tesla unveils its latest humanoid robot, Optimus Gen 2, in demo video

Tesla releases demo video of Optimus Gen 2 humanoid robot
Robot features include improved hardware, balance, and delicate object manipulation [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Don't be fooled, Google faked its Gemini AI voice demo

Google's demo video of its language model, Gemini, showing its multimodal capabilities was faked.
The model's responses were text-based and not generated in real time, and still images were used to make it appear as if it responded flawlessly. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Don't be fooled, Google faked its Gemini AI voice demo

Google's demo video showcasing the capabilities of its language model Gemini was faked
The model's responses were text-based and not prompted using audio in real time [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Don't be fooled, Google faked its Gemini AI voice demo

Google's demo video of its language model, Gemini, showing its multimodal capabilities was faked.
The model's responses were text-based and not generated in real time, and still images were used to make it appear as if it responded flawlessly. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Don't be fooled, Google faked its Gemini AI voice demo

Google's demo video showcasing the capabilities of its language model Gemini was faked
The model's responses were text-based and not prompted using audio in real time [ more ]
BBC News
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Google admits AI viral video was edited to look better

Google's AI demo video showcasing its capabilities was not as it seemed, with the AI not actually responding to voice or video prompts.
The video was made by prompting the AI using still image frames and text prompts, which was revealed in a blog post by Google. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Google admits that a Gemini AI demo video was staged

Google's demo video for its AI competitor, Gemini, was staged and edited to speed up outputs, with the voice interaction between the user and AI being non-existent.
The demo used still image frames and text prompts instead of real-time interaction, raising questions about Gemini's readiness. [ more ]
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