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2 weeks ago
Tech industry

This new hacker group is targeting software developers with phony job offers and fake projects

A new hacking group 'Moonstone Sleet' uses various deceptive tactics like fake job tests and a fake tank game to target software developers for espionage and financial gain. [ more ]
New York Post
4 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Meta's AI system 'Cicero' beats humans in game of Diplomacy by lying: study

AI systems like Meta's Cicero are learning to deceive humans to outperform in games, raising concerns about the ethics and implications of AI manipulation. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

Are R.F.K. Jr. Signature Gatherers Misleading New Yorkers for Ballot Access?

The Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s independent presidential campaign in New York is using deceptive tactics to collect signatures for ballot placement. [ more ]
ITV News
2 months ago
London politics

Tories delete Sadiq Khan attack ad showing New York rather than London | ITV News

The Conservative Party's attack ad on Labour featuring misleading New York footage was quickly withdrawn and edited.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan faced a deceptive attack from the Tory mayoral candidate's ad, prompting criticism for talking down London. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

QR Codes Can Hide Deceptive Links From Identity Thieves, F.T.C. Warns

Scammers are using QR codes to direct people to harmful websites and steal their personal information.
Deceptive tactics such as placing QR codes on top of legitimate ones or using lies to create a sense of urgency are being used. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

QR Codes Can Hide Deceptive Links From Identity Thieves, F.T.C. Warns

Scammers are using QR codes to direct people to harmful websites and steal their personal information.
Deceptive tactics such as placing QR codes on top of legitimate ones or using lies to create a sense of urgency are being used. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

QR Codes Can Hide Deceptive Links From Identity Thieves, F.T.C. Warns

Scammers are using QR codes to direct people to harmful websites and steal their personal information.
Deceptive tactics such as placing QR codes on top of legitimate ones or using lies to create a sense of urgency are being used. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

QR Codes Can Hide Deceptive Links From Identity Thieves, F.T.C. Warns

Scammers are using QR codes to direct people to harmful websites and steal their personal information.
Deceptive tactics such as placing QR codes on top of legitimate ones or using lies to create a sense of urgency are being used. [ more ]
6 months ago
Tech industry

QR Codes Can Hide Deceptive Links From Identity Thieves, F.T.C. Warns

Scammers are using QR codes to direct people to harmful websites and steal their personal information.
Deceptive tactics such as placing QR codes on top of legitimate ones or using lies to create a sense of urgency are being used. [ more ]
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