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3 months ago
Startup companies

Artie helps companies put data to work faster with real time syncing | TechCrunch

Artie wants to solve the problem of lag in using data by efficiently moving it from databases to data warehouses.
Artie uses Change Data Capture (CDC) and stream processing to perform data syncs in a reliable and efficient way, resulting in low latency and optimized compute costs. [ more ]
6 months ago
Data science

Data-Ed Webinar: What's in Your Data Warehouse? - DATAVERSITY

Interacting with Data Governance to reevaluate the value of data collections in a data warehouse is useful.
Warehousing capabilities support BI activities, enable effective decision-making, and contribute to innovation.
Peter Aiken is an authority on Data Management and has extensive experience in the field. [ more ]
6 months ago
Business intelligence

Managing Missing Data in Analytics - DATAVERSITY

Today, corporate boards and executives understand the importance of data and analytics for improved business performance.
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