Croydon family of asthma sufferers left with damp and mould for 39 monthsPoor landlord response to damp and mould aggravated health issues for a vulnerable family in Croydon.
More than 6million spent in Croydon on damp, mould and disrepair in social housingCroydon Council's damp and mould complaints reflect a larger trend of neglect in housing conditions and the need for immediate legislative action.
Law to make social landlords fix mould in force from OctoberLandlords in England must address damp and mould in social housing by October following the introduction of Awaab's law.
Croydon family of asthma sufferers left with damp and mould for 39 monthsPoor landlord response to damp and mould aggravated health issues for a vulnerable family in Croydon.
More than 6million spent in Croydon on damp, mould and disrepair in social housingCroydon Council's damp and mould complaints reflect a larger trend of neglect in housing conditions and the need for immediate legislative action.
Law to make social landlords fix mould in force from OctoberLandlords in England must address damp and mould in social housing by October following the introduction of Awaab's law.
Mould and damp now at five-year high in England's homes, survey revealsRising damp and mould levels in England showcase a critical housing quality crisis, despite improvements in energy efficiency.
Damp and mouldy housing could see personnel leave militaryDamp and mouldy military accommodations may lead to personnel departures unless significant improvements are made.
Croydon Council makes tenant wait over a year for damp and mould checkCroydon council's inspection and repair delays resulted in severe maladministration, causing significant distress for residents affected by damp and mould.