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3 weeks ago
Privacy professionals

Third-party providers a customer data weak spot', Australian privacy commissioner says

Third party suppliers pose a significant risk to customer privacy protection, necessitating organizations to ensure privacy obligations are fulfilled in contracts and due diligence. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

AT&T notifies regulators after customer data breach | TechCrunch

AT&T confirmed a security incident impacting millions of customers with leaked personal information.
Leaked data includes details like full name, email address, and Social Security numbers, raising concerns about privacy and security.
AT&T took three years to address the breach, potentially leaving customer data exposed and accessible. [ more ]
1 month ago

How to adapt your marketing for the new era of data analytics | MarTech

Marketers are adapting to changing data landscape by shifting strategies towards a more unified approach for evaluating campaign performance. [ more ]
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