Survey finds widespread challenges with credit transferNegative credit transfer experiences hinder access to higher education for many American adults.
Reducing costs of college transfer with student-centered policiesInstitutions adopting broader acceptance of transfer credits improve student enrollment, retention, and completion rates while reducing financial burdens.
CUNY Streamlines Credit TransfersCUNY's new transfer initiative streamlines the credit transfer process between its colleges, allowing students to transfer without losing major credits.
What we're LEARNing from effort to recognize undergraduate learningInstitutions must adapt their credit recognition practices to accommodate non-traditional learners effectively. The new LEARN Commission aims to modernize this process.
Colorado bill could be a model for improving credit transferLegislation in Colorado aims to refine transfer policies, potentially serving as a model for other states and improving degree attainment.
Survey finds widespread challenges with credit transferNegative credit transfer experiences hinder access to higher education for many American adults.
Reducing costs of college transfer with student-centered policiesInstitutions adopting broader acceptance of transfer credits improve student enrollment, retention, and completion rates while reducing financial burdens.
CUNY Streamlines Credit TransfersCUNY's new transfer initiative streamlines the credit transfer process between its colleges, allowing students to transfer without losing major credits.
What we're LEARNing from effort to recognize undergraduate learningInstitutions must adapt their credit recognition practices to accommodate non-traditional learners effectively. The new LEARN Commission aims to modernize this process.
Colorado bill could be a model for improving credit transferLegislation in Colorado aims to refine transfer policies, potentially serving as a model for other states and improving degree attainment.