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New York Post
2 months ago

NYC designer turns kids into mini fashion trendsetters at school club that sends students' ideas to factory

Fashion club at a Brooklyn school teaches kids design
Club led by parent and local designer offers hands-on experience [ more ]
ABC7 San Francisco
2 months ago

Purple Songs Can Fly helps young patients express themselves through music

Music therapy program at Texas Children's Hospital helps children with cancer express themselves through songwriting and recording.
Purple Songs Can Fly has produced over 3,000 original songs, providing a creative outlet for young patients. [ more ]
Sun Sentinel
4 months ago

Miami Jewish Film Festival to present 'The Boy in the Woods'

The film 'The Boy in the Woods' is based on the memoir of Holocaust survivor Maxwell Smart and portrays his experience of surviving in the forests of Poland during World War II.
Director Rebecca Snow was inspired to make the film after coming across Maxwell's story and finding it cinematic and reminiscent of a fairy tale.
The film explores how Maxwell's traumatic experiences shaped his artistic mind and how he used art as an outlet for his pain and grief. [ more ]
6 months ago

How making jewelry got me out of my creative rut

Finding a creative outlet can help during times of uncertainty.
The author discovered a passion for making clay earrings during the pandemic. [ more ]
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