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Austin Monitor
1 month ago

TipSheet: Austin City Council, 4.4.24 - Austin Monitor

Council made an emergency change to meeting notice requirements due to a deadline error.
Notable zoning developments include Bolm East Planning, Old West Austin project, and Women and their Work Gallery historic zoning. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Palestine protesters storm council meeting as Tory councillor tries to restore order

Pro-Palestine protesters disrupt English council meeting
Tory councillor gets into confrontation with protesters [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Labour antisemitism row: Now third politician is questioned by party officials

Labour party officials are investigating antisemitism allegations after a council meeting sparked concerns.
One parliamentary candidate has been suspended and another had their backing withdrawn due to antisemitic remarks. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Child 'can't sleep' due to thudding at swingers' club

Residents near a swingers club in Dunstable are complaining about noise disturbance at night.
A mother says her daughter is unable to sleep due to loud music and constant thudding from the club. [ more ]
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