Tenants say Brentwood 'is one of worst social landlords in Essex'Tenant satisfaction measures highlight low satisfaction levels with complaint handling in council housing, prompting focused improvement efforts.
They look like homes for rich people': why Britain should look to Europe for its council housing revolutionThe UK aims for a council housing revolution emphasizing affordable rents and community-oriented designs, mirroring successful European models.
'We are breathing this mould in' - Couple expecting first baby fights council over damp housingCouple facing health risks due to mould in council house while awaiting their first child.
'Bexley dumped me and my kids in flat riddled with damp, mould, wasps and mice'A mother and her six children are living in a severely uninhabitable flat due to council negligence, causing health issues and despair.
UK politics - live: Angela Rayner to ditch Thatcher's Right to Buy scheme'Angela Rayner plans to consult on scrapping the right-to-buy scheme as part of a broader housing revolution.
'We're barely scraping by after heating bill rises'Residents in Peckham claim a communal heating system leads to doubled annual service charges, feeling trapped by rising costs amid inefficiencies.
Hundreds of homes to get improvements to cut bills and stop mouldHundreds of council homes in Haringey are being retrofitted for energy efficiency, reducing bills and improving living conditions by minimizing damp and mould.
'We're barely scraping by after heating bill rises'Residents in Peckham claim a communal heating system leads to doubled annual service charges, feeling trapped by rising costs amid inefficiencies.
Hundreds of homes to get improvements to cut bills and stop mouldHundreds of council homes in Haringey are being retrofitted for energy efficiency, reducing bills and improving living conditions by minimizing damp and mould.
Rental surge in rural areas putting pressure on English councils, warns reportRise in rural renters surpassing major citiesImpact of rising unaffordability on rural housing crisis
Plan to boost social housing published by councilsA 10-year plan for boosting England's social housing, led by Southwark Council, aims to secure council homes and address financial challenges.